Privacy disclaimer
By accessing and using the website, you explicitly agree to the following general terms and conditions.
Intellectual property rights
The content of this site, including trademarks, logos, symbols, data, product or company names, texts, images etc. are protected by intellectual property rights and belongs to AFM Group or entitled third parties.
Applicable law and competent courts
Privacy policy
AFM Group attaches great importance to your privacy. While most of the information on this site is available without providing personal data, the user may be requested to provide personal information. This information will only be used in the context of our customer management. The user may always object, free of charge and on request, to the use of its data for direct marketing purposes. For this, the user is asked to contact AFM Group, Via Monda 2, 6592 S ANTONINO, SWITZERLAND or via Your personal data will never be passed on to third parties.
AFM Group may collect anonymous or aggregated data of a non-personal nature such as browser type or IP address, the operating system you use or the domain name of the website from where you arrive at our website, or through which you leave it. This makes it possible for us to continually optimise our website for users.
The use of cookies
During a visit to the site, cookies can be placed on your computer's hard disk. This is only to better adapt the site to the needs of the returning visitor. These mini-files or cookies are not used to monitor the visitor's surfing behaviour at other websites. Your internet browser allows you to block the use of cookies, receive a warning if a cookie is installed or remove the cookies later from your hard disk. For more information, consult your internet browser's help function.
This website is the property of AFM Group.
Contact information and registered office:
AFM Group
Via Monda 2
Telephone: +41 91 858 14 55